Sára Frimmel

Date of birth: 1987.03.17.
Besides working as an art restorer, I attend the Fine Arts University of Budapest. Nevertheless, music has always played an important part in my life. My music career started as early as my kinder garden years where I attended a special music program. Later I started attending the local conservatoire (music school??), but - like most children - I wasn't really fond of it, so I quit after 5 years. I became more interested in music again in secondary school. I paid more attention to the type and quality of music I was listening to, and realized that playing an instrument wasn't the only option for me: I could sing as well. This was the time when I joined the local choir that helped me much in developing my voice. Nowadays a private music teacher is working on my singing skills.
I got in close contact with the band at the end of 2007, although I had long known the members. The difficult singing themes on the demo are accompanied by equally difficult vocals, which would be quite impossible for Liza to present at the concerts on her own. That's why I was asked to look through the vocals and see how it sounded. Apparently it turned out well, so I was soon asked to join the band.
My favourite bands: Iron Maiden, Stonehenge, Katie Melua, Sonata Arctica, Guns N' Roses, Mago De Oz, Nightwish